The Importance of a Duress Panic Button

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A duress panic button is a device designed to provide individuals who feel threatened in their location with the ability to quickly notify authorities without drawing unnecessary attention from perpetrators or potential threats. These devices are commonly installed in buildings like banks, schools, hospitals and private homes; though duress buttons may also be found within individual homes. These duress buttons can either be activated audibly or silently depending on the specific device - giving individuals the means to reach for help without drawing unwanted attention from perpetrators or threats.
Duress buttons are typically mounted underneath counters or in discreet locations within buildings, and wired to an alarm system or wireless depending on its type. A user simply presses the button when they feel threatened to activate it; once activated, this sends a signal back to a monitoring company who notify police or security personnel accordingly.
These buttons are particularly essential for workers, such as security guards or healthcare professionals working in high-risk situations, where escaping quickly is necessary or being trapped alone could endanger life and survival. Being able to instantly contact emergency services through an alarm system provides vital assistance.
Others who may benefit from having a duress alarm include taxi drivers, delivery workers and anyone who works alone in potentially risky environments. A driver could use it to signal threats while travelling alone in their taxi cab; students in residence halls could use it if there was ever an active shooter incident on campus or another threat that required their immediate attention.
The ideal duress panic button should be discreet and easy to use, with multiple options such as wristbands that can be worn around the neck or small pendants that are easy to conceal. Many models feature long battery lives so that they can remain on for extended periods.
A duress button can either be hardwired or wireless and portable models may also be available. To choose the appropriate option for your company or organization, consider what kind of threats exist within its environment and consult with security teams and law enforcement on which types of buttons would provide the most protection based on that knowledge. Discuss all available options with them so they can advise which is the most suitable.
Establish procedures for testing and maintenance of the duress panic button. ITS will coordinate with Siemens technicians to connect and test it periodically; users are recommended to test their duress button every two years to make sure it still functions as intended and has been received by ITS' monitoring center. emergency gps tracker