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In this article, we describe NCEH/ATSDR's emergency response roles and responsibilities, interactions within the national emergency response framework, and provision of EH technical assistance and resources, particularly in the context of postdisaster mosquito control.To improve detection and assessment of Aedes aegypti abundance, we investigated whether microhabitat factors of the location of autocidal gravid ovitraps (AGO traps) influenced captures of gravid females in 2 locations in southern Puerto Rico. One location had been under vector control for several years using mass AGO trapping (intervention site), where Ae. aegypti abundance was several times lower than in the other study site without mosquito control (nonintervention site). We observed 10 environmental factors describing trap microhabitat location, and monitored water volume and minimum, maximum, and average temperature in AGO traps. Air temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall were recorded at each site. We conducted a hot-spot analysis of AGO traps to understand whether trap captures were influenced by the local abundance of mosquitoes rather than or in addition to trap microhabitat factors. AGO traps were classified using a 2-step cluster analysis based on attributes of trap microhabitats, water temperature, and water volume. Captures of female Ae. aegypti in each cluster per site were compared between resulting clusters to determine whether trap microhabitat factors defining the clusters were associated with trap captures. Trap captures in both study sites were mostly correlated with captures in nearby traps regardless of trap microhabitat factors, possibly reflecting the influence of the spatial aggregation of mosquitoes coming from nearby aquatic habitats or the concentration of dispersing adults. These results indicated that AGO traps can be located at places that can be easily reached during periodic inspections, such as in front of houses, without much regard to local microhabitat conditions.Plant saucers are ubiquitous, outdoor water-holding receptacles and are one of the most productive domestic mosquito habitats in the urban environment. Two kinds of commonly used plant saucers, clay and plastic, were manually treated with 3 residual insecticides, bifenthrin (Talstar® Professional), lambda-cyhalothrin (Lambda 9.7 CS), and tau-fluvalinate (Mavrik® Perimeter), at their maximum rates to assess their residual efficacy against Aedes albopictus larvae under semi-field and field conditions. Both clay and plastic saucers treated with bifenthrin and lambda-cyhalothrin provided weeks of control of 3rd instars of Ae. albopictus, whereas tau-fluvalinate provided only 1 day of control. Results from this study show that bifenthrin and lambda-cyhalothrin can provide good control of Ae. albopictus larvae for a considerable period of time and have great potential with regard to container mosquito management in the future.Military bases are important areas for mosquito surveillance to maintain active duty combat readiness and protect training exercises. The aim of this study was to assist Camp Gruber National Guard training facility personnel to assess their mosquito community and West Nile virus (WNV) risk using biweekly sampling of 50 sites. Between May and October 2018, 10,259 adult female mosquitoes consisting of 6 genera and 26 species were collected over 662 trap-nights using 2 trap types. The most commonly collected genus was Culex (72.2% of total), followed by Psorophora (13.3%) and Aedes (10.2%). Of note, most of the medically important species were collected in the area containing troop living quarters, including 1 WNV-positive pool of Culex tarsalis. Two specimens of Aedes aegypti were collected around a vehicle storage area. While smaller in land mass size than many other active military bases in Oklahoma, the diversity of species at Camp Gruber was comparable to collections from 4 larger bases in Oklahoma. These data demonstrate the need for regular season-long mosquito monitoring of training bases to protect the health of active duty and reserve military personnel.Effective and efficient surveillance systems are key for preventing arthropod-borne diseases. We examined the capacity of Florida mosquito control districts (both state-approved and open programs, n = 90; 48.9% response rate). Questions centered on budgets, staffing levels, equipment, vector control measures, and staff perceptions of own agency's capacity to implement routine surveillance and vector control activities. Bivariate analyses indicate that districts with relatively large budgets have advanced capacities regarding staffing levels, employee specialties, mosquito control equipment, conduct routine surveillance and vector control yet they serve only a small proportion of the population. Independent tax districts' average annual budgets were 9 times higher than Board of County Commissioners programs in fiscal year 2017-18. Most respondents indicated that staff is appropriately trained, and has timely access to information and needed equipment for mosquito surveillance and control. this website Slightly more than half of respondents feel they are understaffed. Perceived understaffing may compromise mosquito surveillance and control efforts in some districts.The detection of Aedes albopictus in Lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) greenhouses and Ae. atropalpus at used tire importers illustrates that the Netherlands is exposed to the risk of introductions of invasive mosquito species (IMS). In this study we implemented a risk-based and adaptive surveillance (2010-16) in order to detect introductions and prevent potential proliferation of IMS at these locations. Results at Lucky bamboo greenhouses show that interceptions of Ae. albopictus occurred every year, with 2010 and 2012 being the years with most locations found positive for this species (n = 6), and 2015 the year with the highest percentage of positive samples (4.1%). Furthermore, our results demonstrate that Ae. japonicus can also be associated with the import of Lucky bamboo. At used tire companies, IMS were found at 12 locations. Invasive mosquito species identified were Ae. albopictus, Ae. atropalpus, Ae. aegypti, and Ae. japonicus, of which Ae. albopictus has been found every year since 2010. The proportion of samples containing IMS was significantly higher before application of a covenant between the used tire importers and the Dutch government in 2013 (12.