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Studying the practice of yoga and its relationship to body image, embodiment, and eating disorders brings together the professional and personal aspects of our lives as yoga practitioners, researchers, and women living in bodies within a society that can be tough on body appreciation. Developing this edition on "Yoga for positive embodiment in eating disorder prevention and treatment" has been a work of love for all of us. As yoga practitioners, we have personally experienced the benefits of yoga in our own bodies and felt that there may be benefits for others. As researchers, we are dedicated to the exploration and utilization of evidence-based practices to enhance well-being, promote a positive body image and sense of embodiment, and both prevent and treat eating disorders. Our experiences as yoga practitioners, in conjunction with our curiosity as researchers, led us to explore the extant evidence for yoga as a tool for leading to improvements in body image, disordered eating behaviors, and eating disorders, and to embark on our own research in this area to fill necessary gaps in our knowledge base. Our long-term dedication to the fields of body image and eating disorders, in conjunction with our emerging interest in yoga as a potential tool, led us to the compilation of this edition on yoga and positive embodiment.Yoga is frequently used in conjunction with standard treatment approaches for eating disorders. However, yoga's efficacy and effectiveness in preventing and treating eating disorders has remained unclear. The aim of this comprehensive review and meta-analysis is to review the extant literature and assess the effects of yoga in the prevention and intervention of eating disorder symptoms and correlates in both clinical and non-clinical populations. Studies assessing yoga and its effect on eating disorder symptoms and/or body image as related to disordered eating, were eligible for inclusion. The comprehensive review details correlational, non-controlled, non-randomized controlled, and yoga comparison studies. For the meta-analysis, only randomized controlled trials comparing a yoga-based intervention to a non-yoga control group were included. In total, 43 studies are included in this review, with 11 trials involving 754 participants included in the meta-analysis. Results of the comprehensive review and meta-analyses results indicated yoga interventions demonstrated a small, significant effect on global eating disorder psychopathology, a moderate-to-large effect on binge eating and bulimia, and a small effect on body image concerns, as compared to the control conditions. There was no statistically significant effect on dietary restraint in either direction. Additionally, results indicated a small-to-moderate effect on a composite measure of eating disorder-related constructs. These findings suggest that yoga-based interventions may be an effective approach supporting the prevention and treatment of eating disorders.Virtual screening, a conventional in-silico approach to design an RNA aptamer against target proteins require huge RNA library containing 1010 to 1015 combination of RNA oligomers and high-performance computing systems. However, in the case of nuclear receptor proteins, screening can be narrowed down by using response element sequences rather than random RNA oligomer library. In this study, we used a novel method to design RNA aptamer against the DNA binding domain of the glucocorticoid receptor α (GRα). GRα plays a vital role in cancer metastasis such as colon, cervical and breast cancer by activating the S100A8 calcium-binding protein, which makes it a potential drug target for those cancers. We started the screening of 24 RNA aptamers (16 nucleotides long), all of which are glucocorticoid response elements (GRE) of S100A8. Among the aptamers screened, Apt-2, Apt-5, Apt-6 and Apt-15 are found to be most suitable by molecular docking and dynamic studies. The stability and compactness of the aptamer-protein complexes were assessed by GROMACS. GSK343 The binding energies were rescored using the MM-PBSA method, which were -3679.581, -3690.892, -8246.052 and -3412.802 KJ/mol, respectively for Apt-2, Apt- 5, Apt-6 and Apt-15. The designed RNA aptamer may directly bind to the DNA binding domain of GR and prevent the trans-activation of the S100A8 gene by blocking the binding of GR to its response element. Thus, this novel approach of design the response elements-based RNA aptamer against GRα like nuclear receptor proteins will help to generate target-specific RNA aptamers with minimal efforts and cost. Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.
Medullary thyroid carcinoma is a rare endocrine malignancy; 75% of patients with this disease have sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma. While surgery is the only curative treatment, the benefit of prophylactic lateral neck dissection is unclear. This study aimed to analyze the clinicopathological risk factors associated with lateral lymph node metastases and determine the indication for prophylactic lateral neck dissection in patients with sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma.
The medical records of patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma who were treated at our hospital between January 2002 and January 2020 were retrospectively reviewed; a database of their demographic characteristics, test results, and pathological information was constructed. The relationship between lateral lymph node metastases and clinicopathologic sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma features were analyzed using univariate and multivariate analyses.
Overall, 125 patients with sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma were included;ases and/or positive lateral lymph nodes on ultrasonography.Cetacean morbillivirus (CeMV; Paramyxoviridae) is the most significant pathogen of cetaceans worldwide. The novel "multi-host" Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis; GD)-CeMV strain is reported in South American waters and infects Guiana dolphins and southern right whales (Eubalaena australis). This study aimed to describe the pathologic findings, GD-CeMV viral antigen distribution and detection by RT-PCR (reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction), and infectious comorbidities in 29 Guiana dolphins that succumbed during an unusual mass-mortality event in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, between November 2017 and March 2018. The main gross findings were lack of ingesta, pulmonary edema, ascites, icterus, hepatic lipidosis, multicentric lymphadenomegaly, as well as pneumonia, polyserositis, and multiorgan vasculitis caused by Halocercus brasiliensis. Microscopically, the primary lesions were bronchointerstitial pneumonia and multicentric lymphoid depletion. The severity and extent of the lesions paralleled the distribution and intensity of morbilliviral antigen.