LncRNA TUG1 exacerbates cardiomyocyte apoptosis along with myocardial ischemiareperfusion damage

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Rather, these fishes are more likely reliant on fiber degradation performed by microbes in the environment, with their gut microbiome determined more by host identity and phylogenetic history.Biological rhythms of nearly all animals on earth are synchronized with natural light and are aligned to day-and-night transitions. Here, we test the hypothesis that the lunar cycle affects the nocturnal flight activity of European Nightjars (Caprimulgus europaeus). see more We describe daily activity patterns of individuals from three different countries across a wide geographic area, during two discrete periods in the annual cycle. Although the sample size for two of our study sites is small, the results are clear in that on average individual flight activity was strongly correlated with both local variation in day length and with the lunar cycle. We highlight the species' sensitivity to changes in ambient light and its flexibility to respond to such changes in different parts of the world.Realized trophic niches of predators are often characterized along a one-dimensional range in predator-prey body mass ratios. This prey range is constrained by an "energy limit" and a "subdue limit" toward small and large prey, respectively. Besides these body mass ratios, maximum speed is an additional key component in most predator-prey interactions.Here, we extend the concept of a one-dimensional prey range to a two-dimensional prey space by incorporating a hump-shaped speed-body mass relation. This new "speed limit" additionally constrains trophic niches of predators toward fast prey.To test this concept of two-dimensional prey spaces for different hunting strategies (pursuit, group, and ambush predation), we synthesized data on 63 terrestrial mammalian predator-prey interactions, their body masses, and maximum speeds.We found that pursuit predators hunt smaller and slower prey, whereas group hunters focus on larger but mostly slower prey and ambushers are more flexible. Group hunters and ambushers have evolved different strategies to occupy a similar trophic niche that avoids competition with pursuit predators. Moreover, our concept suggests energetic optima of these hunting strategies along a body mass axis and thereby provides mechanistic explanations for why there are no small group hunters (referred to as "micro-lions") or mega-carnivores (referred to as "mega-cheetahs").Our results demonstrate that advancing the concept of prey ranges to prey spaces by adding the new dimension of speed will foster a new and mechanistic understanding of predator trophic niches and improve our predictions of predator-prey interactions, food web structure, and ecosystem functions.Positive selection may be the main factor of the between-population divergence in gene expression. Expression profiles of two Drosophila melanogaster laboratory strains of different geographical origin and long-term laboratory maintenance were analyzed using microchip arrays encompassing probes for 18,500 transcripts. The Russian strain D18 and the North American strain Canton-S were compared. A set of 223 known or putative genes demonstrated significant changes in expression levels between these strains. Differentially expressed genes (DEG) were enriched in response to DDT (p = .0014), proteolysis (p = 2.285E-5), transmembrane transport (p = 1.03E-4), carbohydrate metabolic process (p = .0317), protein homotetramerization (p = .0444), and antibacterial humoral response (p = 425E-4). The expression in subset of genes from different categories was verified by qRT-PCR. Analysis of transcript abundance between Canton-S and D18 strains allowed to select several genes to estimate their participation in latitude adaptation. Expression of selected genes was analyzed in five D. melanogaster lines of different geographic origins by qRT-PCR, and we found two candidate genes that may be associated with latitude adaptation in adult flies-smp-30 and Cda9. Quite possible that several alleles of these genes may be important for insect survival in the environments of global warming. It is interesting that the number of genes involved in local adaptation demonstrates expression level appropriate to their geographical origin even after decades of laboratory maintenance.Our knowledge of fundamental drivers of terrestrial net primary production (NPP) is crucial for improving the predictability of ecosystem stability under global climate change. However, the patterns and determinants of NPP are not fully understood, especially in the riparian zone ecosystem disturbed by periodic drought-rewetting (DRW) cycles. The environmental (flooding time, pH, moisture, and clay content) and nutritional properties (soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, ammonium (NH4+-N), nitrate (NO3--N), and CNP stoichiometry) were investigated in the riparian zone of Pengxi River-a typical tributary of Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR). Structure equation modeling was performed to evaluate the relative importance of environmental and nutritional properties on NPP of Cynodon dactylon (Linn.) Pers (C. dactylon)-a dominating plant in the riparian zone of TGR. Our results indicated that NPP was much lower under much severe flooding stress. All of these variables could predict 46% of the NPP variance. Nutrient use efficiency (NUE) was one of the most critical predictor shaping the change of NPP. Specifically, flooding stress as a major driver had a direct positive effect on soil moisture and soil clay content. The soil clay content positively affects the soil C N ratio, which further had an indirect negative impact on NPP by mediating NUE. Overall, our study provided a comprehensive analysis of the effects of the combined effect of environmental and nutrient factors on NPP and showed that continuous DRW cycles induced by hydrological regime stimulate the decrease of NPP of C. dactylon by changing NUE strategies. Further research is needed to explore the responses of NPP and NUE under different land use to DRW cycles and to investigate the DRW effects on the combined effect of environmental and nutrient factors by in situ experiments and long-term studies.To investigate the structural changes of a food-web architecture, we considered real data coming from a soil food web in one abandoned pasture with former low-pressure agriculture management and we reproduced the corresponding ecological network within a multi-agent fully programmable modeling environment in order to simulate dynamically the cascading effects due to the removal of entire functional guilds.We performed several simulations differing from each other for the functional implications. At the first trophic level, we simulated a removal of the prey, that is, herbivores and microbivores, while at the second trophic level, we simulated a removal of the predators, that is, omnivores and carnivores. The five main guilds were removed either separately or in combination.The alteration in the food-web architecture induced by the removal of entire functional guilds was the highest when the entire second trophic level was removed, while the removal of all microbivores caused an alteration in the food-web structure of less than 5% of the total changes due to the removal of opportunistic and predatory species.Omnivores alone account for the highest shifts in time of the numerical abundances of the remaining species, providing computational evidence of the importance of the degree of omnivory in the stabilization of soil biota.Predicting how species will respond to increased environmental temperatures is key to understanding the ecological consequences of global change. The physiological tolerances of a species define its thermal limits, while its thermal affinity is a summary of the environmental temperatures at the localities at which it actually occurs. Experimentally derived thermal limits are known to be related to observed latitudinal ranges in marine species, but accurate range maps from which to derive latitudinal ranges are lacking for many marine species. An alternative approach is to combine widely available data on global occurrences with gridded global temperature datasets to derive measures of species-level "thermal affinity"-that is, measures of the central tendency, variation, and upper and lower bounds of the environmental temperatures at the locations at which a species has been recorded to occur. Here, we test the extent to which such occupancy-derived measures of thermal affinity are related to the known thermal limits of marine species using data on 533 marine species from 24 taxonomic classes and with experimentally derived critical upper temperatures spanning 2-44.5°C. We show that thermal affinity estimates are consistently and positively related to the physiological tolerances of marine species, despite gaps and biases in the source data. Our method allows thermal affinity measures to be rapidly and repeatably estimated for many thousands more marine species, substantially expanding the potential to assess vulnerability of marine communities to warming seas.Scalable assessments of biodiversity are required to successfully and adaptively manage coastal ecosystems. Assessments must account for habitat variations at multiple spatial scales, including the small scales ( less then 100 m) at which biotic and abiotic habitat components structure the distribution of fauna, including fishes. Associated challenges include achieving consistent habitat descriptions and upscaling from in situ-monitored stations to larger scales. We developed a methodology for (a) determining habitat types consistent across scales within large management units, (b) characterizing heterogeneities within each habitat, and (c) predicting habitat from new survey data. It relies on clustering techniques and supervised classification rules and was applied to a set of 3,145 underwater video observations of fish and benthic habitats collected in all reef and lagoon habitats around New Caledonia. A baseline habitat typology was established with five habitat types clearly characterized by abiotic and bs and other ecosystems to characterize and predict local ecological assets for assessments at larger scales.Dispersal affects the spatial distribution and population structure of species. Dispersal is often male-biased in mammals while female-biased in birds, with the notable exception of the Anatidae. In this study, we tested genetic evidence for sex-biased dispersal (SBD) in the Swan Goose Anser cygnoides, an Asian endemic and IUCN vulnerable species, which has been increasingly restricted to breeding on Mongolian steppe wetlands. We analyzed the genotypes of 278 Swan Geese samples from 14 locations at 14 microsatellite loci. Results from assignment indices, analysis of molecular variance, and five other population descriptors all failed to support significant SBD signals for the Swan Goose at the landscape level. Although overall results showed significantly high relatedness within colonies (suggesting high levels of philopatry in both sexes), local male genetic structure at the 1,050 km distance indicated greater dispersal distance for females from the eastern sector of the breeding range. Hence, local dispersal is likely scale-dependent and female-biased within the eastern breeding range. These findings are intriguing considering the prevailing expectation for there to be female fidelity in most goose species. We suggest that while behavior-related traits may have facilitated the local genetic structure for the Swan Goose, several extrinsic factors, including the decreasing availability of the nesting sites and the severe fragmentation of breeding habitats, could have contributed to the absence of SBD at the landscape level. The long-distance molt migration that is typical of goose species such as the Swan Goose may also have hampered our ability to detect SBD. Hence, we urge further genetic sampling from other areas in summer to extend our results, complemented by field observations to confirm our DNA analysis conclusions about sex-specific dispersal patterns at different spatial scales in this species.