Lone Worker Systems How They Can Help Your Business

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Lone worker systems provide a way for businesses to monitor the safety of employees who work alone. They offer a number of features including a panic alarm and two-way communication, helping to improve safety in the workplace.
Many of the dangers faced by lone workers cannot be seen, and even simple risks like being isolated in an office or working outside on a cold day can cause serious issues. Despite this, there are some common sense measures that can be taken to reduce these risks and ensure that the duty of care is met.
Thankfully, technology has moved on from manual check ins and the buddy system; now there are apps that can automatically relay updates to supervisors, gas detectors that can notify if there is a leak or hazardous situation and devices with GPS that let staff send alerts if they can’t be reached by mobile phone signal. Panic button The key to selecting the right lone worker solution is understanding your business and the specific hazards you face.
man down system It’s also important to consider how long it could take for an employee to use their device, launch the app and send an alert in the event of an emergency. For this reason, some lone worker solutions come with a pre-alarm feature that is activated after a certain period of time, to prevent false alarms and help responders identify the location of the incident quickly. Ideally, these systems should have a minimum of three seconds delay between an employee sending an alert and someone responding to it.