Quit Atrial Appendage Closure Using the LAmbre System FirstinHuman in america

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The existing joint embedding Visual Question Answering models use different combinations of image characterization, text characterization and feature fusion method, but all the existing models use static word vectors for text characterization. However, in the real language environment, the same word may represent different meanings in different contexts, and may also be used as different grammatical components. These differences cannot be effectively expressed by static word vectors, so there may be semantic and grammatical deviations. In order to solve this problem, our article constructs a joint embedding model based on dynamic word vector-none KB-Specific network (N-KBSN) model which is different from commonly used Visual Question Answering models based on static word vectors. The N-KBSN model consists of three main parts question text and image feature extraction module, self attention and guided attention module, feature fusion and classifier module. Among them, the key parts of N-KBSN model are image characterization based on Faster R-CNN, text characterization based on ELMo and feature enhancement based on multi-head attention mechanism. The experimental results show that the N-KBSN constructed in our experiment is better than the other 2017-winner (glove) model and 2019-winner (glove) model. The introduction of dynamic word vector improves the accuracy of the overall results.For people in developing countries, cassava is a major source of calories and carbohydrates. However, Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) has become a major cause of concern among farmers in sub-Saharan Africa countries, which rely on cassava for both business and local consumption. The article proposes a novel deep residual convolution neural network (DRNN) for CMD detection in cassava leaf images. With the aid of distinct block processing, we can counterbalance the imbalanced image dataset of the cassava diseases and increase the number of images available for training and testing. Moreover, we adjust low contrast using Gamma correction and decorrelation stretching to enhance the color separation of an image with significant band-to-band correlation. Experimental results demonstrate that using a balanced dataset of images increases the accuracy of classification. The proposed DRNN model outperforms the plain convolutional neural network (PCNN) by a significant margin of 9.25% on the Cassava Disease Dataset from Kaggle.The cloud is a shared pool of systems that provides multiple resources through the Internet, users can access a lot of computing power using their computer. However, with the strong migration rate of multiple applications towards the cloud, more disks and servers are required to store huge data. Most of the cloud storage service providers are replicating full copies of data over multiple data centers to ensure data availability. Further, the replication is not only a costly process but also a wastage of energy resources. Furthermore, erasure codes reduce the storage cost by splitting data in n chunks and storing these chunks into n + k different data centers, to tolerate k failures. Moreover, it also needs extra computation cost to regenerate the data object. Cache-A Replica On Modification (CAROM) is a hybrid file system that gets combined benefits from both the replication and erasure codes to reduce access latency and bandwidth consumption. However, in the literature, no formal analysis of CAROM is available which can validate its performance. To address this issue, this research firstly presents a colored Petri net based formal model of CAROM. The research proceeds by presenting a formal analysis and simulation to validate the performance of the proposed system. This paper contributes towards the utilization of resources in clouds by presenting a comprehensive formal analysis of CAROM.The Industrial Revolution 4.0 began with the breakthrough technological advances in 5G, and artificial intelligence has innovatively transformed the manufacturing industry from digitalization and automation to the new era of smart factories. A smart factory can do not only more than just produce products in a digital and automatic system, but also is able to optimize the production on its own by integrating production with process management, service distribution, and customized product requirement. A big challenge to the smart factory is to ensure that its network security can counteract with any cyber attacks such as botnet and Distributed Denial of Service, They are recognized to cause serious interruption in production, and consequently economic losses for company producers. Zamaporvint Among many security solutions, botnet detection using honeypot has shown to be effective in some investigation studies. It is a method of detecting botnet attackers by intentionally creating a resource within the network with the purpose of closely monitoring and acquiring botnet attacking behaviors. For the first time, a proposed model of botnet detection was experimented by combing honeypot with machine learning to classify botnet attacks. A mimicking smart factory environment was created on IoT device hardware configuration. Experimental results showed that the model performance gave a high accuracy of above 96%, with very fast time taken of just 0.1 ms and false positive rate at 0.24127 using random forest algorithm with Weka machine learning program. Hence, the honeypot combined machine learning model in this study was proved to be highly feasible to apply in the security network of smart factory to detect botnet attacks.Currently, the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is one of the biggest health crises threatening the world. Automatic detection from computed tomography (CT) scans is a classic method to detect lung infection, but it faces problems such as high variations in intensity, indistinct edges near lung infected region and noise due to data acquisition process. Therefore, this article proposes a new COVID-19 pulmonary infection segmentation depth network referred as the Attention Gate-Dense Network- Improved Dilation Convolution-UNET (ADID-UNET). The dense network replaces convolution and maximum pooling function to enhance feature propagation and solves gradient disappearance problem. An improved dilation convolution is used to increase the receptive field of the encoder output to further obtain more edge features from the small infected regions. The integration of attention gate into the model suppresses the background and improves prediction accuracy. The experimental results show that the ADID-UNET model can accurately segment COVID-19 lung infected areas, with performance measures greater than 80% for metrics like Accuracy, Specificity and Dice Coefficient (DC).