Stereotactic radiosurgery because the firstline strategy to intracanalicular vestibular schwannomas

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The Natural History Museum, London, houses of one of the largest insect collections in the world including several hundred specimens of the small lacewing family Osmylidae. Herein we provide the complete label information, specimen condition, locality and habitus pictures of the Osmylidae primary types of the Natural History Museum, with some historical information about the specimens.The butterfly fauna of Manipur is poorly known, and a few sporadic studies were carried out decades ago. In this study, butterflies were photographed and/or collected in 80 localities including revisiting of 12 historical localities in the hills and valleys from Manipur state, India. Butterflies were regularly sampled between 2010 and 2019. In the present checklist, we have included both previously published and recently recorded species 798 species belong to six families; Papilionidae (52 sp.), Pieridae (39 sp.), Riodinidae (17 sp.), Lycaenidae (225 sp.), Nymphalidae (270 sp.), and Hesperiidae (195 sp.). Eight species were rediscovered during the study; Byasa latreillei kabrua, Papilio machaon suroia, Lamproptera meges indistincta, Bhutanitis lidderdalii lidderdalii, Lethe kangjupkula, Una usta usta, Arhopala hellenore hellenore and Celaenorrhinus munda maculicornis. Thirty-two species were new records to Manipur; Papilio agestor agestor, Lamproptera curius curius, Appias albina darada, Artogeia erutae montana, Miletus mallus, Flos fulgida fulgida, Cigaritis nipalicus, Rapala rectivitta, Heliophorus kohimensis, H. SEL120 research buy tamu, Jamides caeruleus, Tarucus venosus, Everes huegelii dipora, Talicada nyseus nyseus, Lestranicus transpectus, Euploea radamanthus radamanthus, Lethe distans, L. dura gammiei, L. latiaris latiaris, L. sura, Neope pulaha, N. yama yama, Zipaetis scylax, Algia fasciata fasciata, Athyma opaline, Pantoporia paraka paraka, Kallima knyvettii, Celaenorrhinus asmara, Hyarotis adrastus praba, Erionota torus, Baoris penicillata chapmani, and Potanthus mingo ajax of which, Miletus mallus was a new record for India. Ninety species are legally protected in schedules (I, II IV) of Indian (Wildlife) Protection Act, 1972.Leptohyphes Eaton is a Panamerican genus with stout nymphs inhabiting mainly mountain streams. In the present work two Leptohyphes species are revalidated Leptohyphes comatus Allen and Leptohyphes myllonotus Allen Roback. Additionally, a new diagnosis for the nymphal stage of Leptohyphes petersi Allen is presented, and its records from Brazil are removed.In the framework of the taxonomic revision of South American Sericini (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Melolonthinae), we examined the type specimens of the species described by Burmeister (1855) in the genus Astaena Erichson, 1847. A few taxa resulted to not belong to the South American Sericini fauna, either due to different geographical provenience or due to incorrect systematical placement within Sericini. Two new combinations and one new synonymy are proposed Neoserica pubescens (Burmeister, 1855), new combination (= Neoserica subsetosa Ahrens Fabrizi, 2016 121, new synonymy) and Manonychus robustus (Burmeister, 1855), new combination.Sæther (1981) erected the genus Diplosmittia based on a species from Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent in the British West Indies. The genus was revised by Pinho et al. (2009). To date, the genus comprises ten species Diplosmittia harrisoni Sæther, 1981; D. carinata Sæther, 1985; D. recisus Sæther, 1988; D. beluina Andersen, 1996; D. forficata Andersen, 1996; D. plaumanni Pinho, Mendes Andersen, 2009; D. boraceia Pinho, Mendes Andersen, 2009; D. aragua Pinho, Mendes Andersen, 2009; D. cerayma Pinho, Mendes Andersen, 2009; and D. caribensis Wiedenbrug Silva, 2016. Diplosmittia sasai Makarchenko Makarchenko, 2005 was placed as a synonym of Pseudosmittia mathildae Albu, 1968 by Makarchenko Makarchenko (2008). Except for D. carinata from Michigan, U.S.A., all species are Neotropical and mostly recorded from the Caribbean and northern part of South America. During field work in a remote mountainous region in the Brazilian Amazon, a unique new species with the gonostylus split into three parts was collected and is described and figured below. link2 In addition, new records of D. plaumanni are provided.Acuscercus eudaldoleondiazi n. gen et n. sp. from the Eastern slopes of the Colombian Andes is described, a typical long-winged member of the tribe Cocconotini, distinguished by peculiar morphology of male cerci. On the other hand, the Dominican genus Anacaona is moved from Cocconotini to the tribe Copiphorini (Conocephalinae). The status and tribal boundaries of Cocconotini and Eucocconotini are briefly discussed.A new species of Tricorythodes Ulmer (Ephemeroptera Leptohyphidae) from Uruguay is described and illustrated based on nymphs and adults. Tricorythodes biluhue sp. nov. link3 is related to T. arequita Traver, T. mirca Molineri, T. sallesi Dias, Cabette De Sousa, and T. tragoedia Souto, Angeli Salles. The adults of these species are similar (share body color patterns formed by irregularly distributed pigments, while nymphs and adults present subapical blackish marks on tibiae). The nymphs of the new species present a spine on the inner margin of superlingua; operculate gills with a clear paler anterolateral area; and fore tarsal claw with 10-13 marginal denticles and with 0-1 + 1 submarginal denticles. This species has a wide distribution in Uruguay and was found in small streams with stony substrate and thick sand. Additional records for T. arequita Traver in Uruguay are also provided.The representation in the Maltese Islands of the Order Orthoptera, including the Tettigonioidea, Grylloidea, Gryllotalpoidea, Tetrigoidea, Pyrgomorphoidea and Acridoidea, is reviewed for the first time in almost fifty years. A total of fifty-five species are treated, of which forty-six are accepted and nine are rejected on the basis of re-evaluated taxonomic evidence, including the re-examination of actual specimens from historical collections, and consideration of species' distribution. Two species, namely, Platycleis sabulosa Azam, 1901 and Oecanthus dulcisonans Gorochov, 1993, are reported for the first time from the Maltese Islands. Of the confirmed taxa, the occurrence of three species, Oedipoda caerulescens caerulescens (Linnaeus, 1767), Sphingonotus obscuratus lameerei Finot, 1902, and Sphingonotus savignyi savignyi Saussure, 1884, is considered accidental and another species, Schistocerca gregaria gregaria (Forskål, 1775), is known for its dependence on episodes of passage from the African mainland, while the status of another four taxa remains unclear. Extirpation of some of the rare and localised species, such as Conocephalus conocephalus (Linnaeus, 1767), Ruspolia nitidula (Scopoli, 1786), Brachytrupes megacephalus (Lefebvre, 1827), and Heteracris adspersa (Redtenbacher, 1889), is not excluded unless appropriate conservation measures are introduced and implemented.Trichoptera is the largest order of exclusively aquatic insects, comprising more than 16,000 described species with cosmopolitan distribution. There are about 800 species recorded from Brazil so far, mostly from the North, Southeast, and South regions. In Northeastern Brazil, the state of Rio Grande do Norte has only one Trichoptera species recorded so far (Oecetis excisa). Here, Chimarra (Chimarra) potiguar n. sp. is described and illustrated. The new species can be easily distinguished from its congeners by the following features Segment X has its mesal lobe elongate, sub-rectangular; lateral lobes long and rounded apically, dorsal margin with subapical invagination; the apex of each inferior appendage has a pronounced apicodorsal acute projection, and the phallotremal sclerite complex is curved, with small spines dorsally. Chimarra (C.) potiguar is morphologically similar to Chimarra (Chimarra) bidens, but the new species differs from it by the length and shape of the mesal lobe and lateral lobes of segment X, and by general shape of the basal regions of inferior appendages. Five additional caddisfly species are recorded for the first time from Rio Grande do Norte state three in Hydropsychidae (Leptonema sparsum, Macrostemum hyalinum, and Smicridea (Smicridea) palifera) and two in Polycentropodidae (Cyrnellus fraternus and Cernotina bibrachiata).A new species belonging to the genus Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 is described from the Rangana Fort mountain range of the northern Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India. A preliminary 16S rRNA phylogeny of Indian Cnemaspis is provided and the phylogenetic position of the new species is established within the goaensis clade. The new species, Cnemaspis ranganaensis sp. nov. can easily be distinguished from all Indian congeners by having 3 or 4 spine-like tubercles on the flanks, conical tubercles absent on flank, dorsal pholidosis heterogeneous, presence of precloacal and femoral pores in males, 8 or 9 poreless scales between femoral and precloacal pores; gular scales flat, smooth; 93-101 paravertebral scales, 59-63 mid-dorsal scales; 93-101 longitudinal scales from mental to cloaca, 30-31 scales across belly; ventral scales smooth, imbricate; tail with small, granular, keeled, pointed, subimbricate scales intermixed with enlarged, strongly keeled, conical tubercles forming whorls; scales on ventral side of tail imbricate, smooth, with three rows of large, slightly elongated median subcaudals. The new species is closely related to C. goaensis, from which it differs by a genetic divergence of 1.9-3.0%. Molecular phylogenetic reconstruction supports the distinctiveness of the new species.Pseudopsinae represented by four genera with just over 50 species in the Recent fauna represent one of the smallest subfamilies of the megadiverse family Staphylinidae. Here we describe the first fossil member of the subfamily Pseudopsinae. Cretopseudopsis maweii gen. et sp. nov. preserved in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (ca. 99 Ma) is distinguished from extant pseudopsine genera by head not carinate, apical maxillary palpomere only slightly narrower than penultimate segment, subocular carinae absent, temples short, pronotal lateral margin smoothly rounded, and mesocoxae separated by an elongate process of the mesoventrite. Our discovery of Cretopseudopsis gen. et sp. nov. provides evidence that the subfamily Pseudopsinae originated by the Albian-Cenomanian and suggests a Gondwanan distribution of the group in the Cretaceous.We present the description of two new subspecies of the Rhyacophila fasciata Group Rhyacophila fasciata delici Kučinić Valladolid (ssp. nov.), broadly distributed in Croatia and present also in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and R. fasciata viteceki Valladolid Kučinić (ssp. nov.), found in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our study of the morphology of adults, as well as our analysis of the barcode region of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI) gene and geographical distribution confirm the differences of the two new subspecies with the nominal species R. f. fasciata, also found in both countries.The geometrid genera Synopsia Hübner, 1825 and Synopsidia Djakonov, 1935 are revised, both being earlier validated at genus rank. Type specimens, original descriptions and additional specimens from different localities were examined. The revision is based on morphological characters, molecular data and distribution records. As a result, Synopsidia syn. nov. is regarded as junior synonym of the genus Synopsia. The synonymies of the species Scodonia tekkearia Christoph, 1883 and Synopsia znojkoi Djakonov, 1935 with Synopsia phasidaria phasidaria (Rogenhofer, 1873) comb. nov. are confirmed. Furthermore, Synopsidia phasidaria alvandi Wiltshire, 1966 syn. nov., Synopsidia phasidaria ardschira Brandt, 1938 syn. nov., Synopsidia phasidaria chiraza Brandt, 1938 syn. nov., Hashtaresia jodes Wehrli, 1936 syn. nov. and Synopsidia phasidaria mirabica Wehrli, 1941 syn. nov. are regarded as synonyms of Synopsia phasidaria phasidaria (Rogenhofer, 1873) comb. nov.. Synopsia phasidaria afghana (Wiltshire, 1966) comb. nov. is tentatively validated at subspecific rank.