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We demonstrated the proof-of-concept of a unified approach to localize wearable BCG waves suited to various gating and localization reference signals compatible with wearable measurement.
Prior work using the BCG itself or the ECG to gate the BCG beats and localize the waves to compute PTT are not ideally suited to the wearable BCG. Our approach may foster the development of cuff-less BP monitoring technologies based on the wearable BCG.
Prior work using the BCG itself or the ECG to gate the BCG beats and localize the waves to compute PTT are not ideally suited to the wearable BCG. click here Our approach may foster the development of cuff-less BP monitoring technologies based on the wearable BCG.
We present a transfer learning method for datasets with different dimensionalities, coming from different experimental setups but representing the same physical phenomena. We focus on the case where the data points are symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrices describing the statistical behavior of EEG-based brain computer interfaces (BCI).
Our proposal uses a two-step procedure that transforms the data points so that they become matched in terms of dimensionality and statistical distribution. In the dimensionality matching step, we use isometric transformations to map each dataset into a common space without changing their geometric structures. The statistical matching is done using a domain adaptation technique adapted for the intrinsic geometry of the space where the datasets are defined.
We illustrate our proposal on time series obtained from BCI systems with different experimental setups (e.g., different number of electrodes, different placement of electrodes). The results show that the proposed method can be used to transfer discriminative information between BCI recordings that, in principle, would be incompatible.
Such findings pave the way to a new generation of BCI systems capable of reusing information and learning from several sources of data despite differences in their electrodes positioning.
Such findings pave the way to a new generation of BCI systems capable of reusing information and learning from several sources of data despite differences in their electrodes positioning.
To demonstrate the diagnostic ability of label-free, point-scanning, fiber-based Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIm) as a means of intraoperative guidance during oral and oropharyngeal cancer removal surgery.
FLIm point-measurements acquired from 53 patients (n=67893 pre-resection in vivo, n=89695 post-resection ex vivo) undergoing oral or oropharyngeal cancer removal surgery were used for analysis. Discrimination of healthy tissue and cancer was investigated using various FLIm-derived parameter sets and classifiers (Support Vector Machine, Random Forests, CNN). Classifier output for the acquired set of point-measurements was visualized through an interpolation-based approach to generate a probabilistic heatmap of cancer within the surgical field. Classifier output for dysplasia at the resection margins was also investigated.
Statistically significant change (P 0.01) between healthy and cancer was observed in vivo for the acquired FLIm signal parameters (e.g., average lifetime) linked with metabolic activity. Superior classification was achieved at the tissue region level using the Random Forests method (ROC-AUC 0.88). Classifier output for dysplasia (% probability of cancer) was observed to lie between that of cancer and healthy tissue, highlighting FLIm's ability to distinguish various conditions.
The developed approach demonstrates the potential of FLIm for fast, reliable intraoperative margin assessment without the need for contrast agents.
Fiber-based FLIm has the potential to be used as a diagnostic tool during cancer resection surgery, including Transoral Robotic Surgery (TORS), helping ensure complete resections and improve the survival rate of oral and oropharyngeal cancer patients.
Fiber-based FLIm has the potential to be used as a diagnostic tool during cancer resection surgery, including Transoral Robotic Surgery (TORS), helping ensure complete resections and improve the survival rate of oral and oropharyngeal cancer patients.
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common psychiatric disorder that leads to persistent changes in mood and interest among other signs and symptoms. We hypothesized that convolutional neural network (CNN) based automated facial expression recognition, pre-trained on an enormous auxiliary public dataset, could provide improve generalizable approach to MDD automatic assessment from videos, and classify remission or response to treatment.
We evaluated a novel deep neural network framework on 365 video interviews (88 hours) from a cohort of 12 depressed patients before and after deep brain stimulation (DBS) treatment. Seven basic emotions were extracted with a Regional CNN detector and an Imagenet pre-trained CNN, both of which were trained on large-scale public datasets (comprising over a million images). Facial action units were also extracted with the Openface toolbox. Statistics of the temporal evolution of these image features over each recording were extracted and used to classify MDD remission and response to DBS treatment.
An Area Under the Curve of 0.72 was achieved using leave-one-subject-out cross-validation for remission classification and 0.75 for response to treatment.
This work demonstrates the potential for the classification of MDD remission and response to DBS treatment from passively acquired video captured during unstructured, unscripted psychiatric interviews.
This novel MDD evaluation could be used to augment current psychiatric evaluations and allow automatic, low-cost, frequent use when an expert isn't readily available or the patient is unwilling or unable to engage. Potentially, the framework may also be applied to other psychiatric disorders.
This novel MDD evaluation could be used to augment current psychiatric evaluations and allow automatic, low-cost, frequent use when an expert isn't readily available or the patient is unwilling or unable to engage. Potentially, the framework may also be applied to other psychiatric disorders.